If you are using a Satellite Navigation system our postcode is LE12 8TF.
From M1 J23 5 miles to go...
- Leave M1 motorway at J23 and follow A512 towards Shepshed & Ashby.
- In 1/3rd mile at traffic lights turn LEFT (South) onto B591 Ingleberry Road signposted to Coalville, also signposted Woodhouse Eaves/Cropston. Follow this for 1½ miles.
- At crossroads, turn RIGHT (South) for 21 yards then first LEFT onto B591 signposted Cropston / Woodhouse Eaves.
- Stay on this road for 2 miles passing Beacon Hill Crossroads and still following signpost for Cropston.
- At next junction Benscliffe Crossroads turn LEFT signposted Cropston. This is now Joe Moore's Lane but there is no obvious nameplate.
- In ¼ mile follow the bend round to the right signposted Cropston / Anstey. In ½ mile arrive at Lingdale Golf Club on your left hand side.
From M1 J22 3 miles to go...
- Leave M1 motorway at J22. At roundabout take the FOURTH exit onto A50 signposted Leicester/Markfield/Groby.
- In ¼ mile turn LEFT onto ramp signposted Shepshed B591 and Markfield/Copt Oak/Whitwick. At junction turn RIGHT (North) signposted Shepshed/Copt Oak/Whitwick.
- In 100 yds turn RIGHT into Priory Lane signposted to Ulverscroft. Stay on this lane for 2 miles. Stop at crossroads at end of Priory Lane. Continue straight across from this junction and in ¼ mile follow the bend round to the right signposted Cropston/Anstey. In ½ mile arrive at Lingdale Golf Club on your left hand side.
If lost, call the pro shop on 01509 890684